Monday, January 27, 2020
Aims Scope And Objectives Of Investigations
Aims Scope And Objectives Of Investigations My investigation aim is to research the management collagen which can affect the organization structure and strategic objects and goals. They can abstract the performance of the company. And my project scope is to investigate all the work understanding from bottom to top employees to find out if there any collusion between labor and the management staff. I started my investigation at the point where organization was suffering huge losses. My investigation objective is to the research the past profit and loss statement to find out that will never happen in future time. My objective is to research the annual reports of the company so that the company can make a new strategic plan. Why need of Investigation: Whenever a company is going in wrong direction or when it loses its way then there will be need of an investigation. When a company gets loss then we do research about the current and past data and produce the result of investigation project. In this organization, the expenses are more than its income so it got loss so we researched all the past and present data of the company This company got loss this year so this needs an investigation or research. I have to know what is the main reason behind, thats why I am going to investigate all its strategic plan, how did it implicate on it in pass? Then I will examine the aim, scope and the objective of my investigation, how do I work? Then I will briefly discuss about the using sources of data and information and talk about its different options or alternatives that can support the project. Used different types of Investigation: For getting all data and information, I did different type of investigations like qualitative and quantities method. By using these methods I got primary collection data and secondary collection data. I have taken some steps like questionnaire, surveys and interviews. I took interviews from the workers and the management team of the company. I asked them about the past years data. Data is about their past performance and past gross profit. I went door to door and did survey from their customers. I asked them about the customer services that what they are providing? Customer compatibility management emphasizes the controllability of customer to customer interaction in the higher education environment (Rowley 1996). For getting the reason of the company loss, I shared survey questionnaire papers to all the employees of the company, so that I can find out the reason behind big loss. A great man is hard on himself; a small man is hard on others. (Confucius, Chinese philosopher, 551-479 BC). Satellite cable linkers which was introduced in 1998 by the idea of a genius person Khawaja Zulfiqar Ahmad. I have studied all the strategies of the company and after all my research on this case. I investigated about past years gross profit and management. Data of past experience shows that it was a very powerful company. Its gross profit was quite high but year by year it decreased and this year for the first time company got loss. And I come to know that there are some problems in different sectors of this Company especially in management area due to this company got loss. For getting the reason of the company loss, first I choose the qualitative method and quantitative method. Qualitative Method: Qualitative data means Qualitative data is extremely varied in nature. It includes virtually any information that can be captured that is not numerical in nature. In this method, In-Depth Interviews include both individual interviews (e.g., one-on-one) as well as group interviews (including focus groups). The data can be recorded in a wide variety of ways including stenography, audio recording, video recording or written notes. In depth interviews differ from direct observation primarily in the nature of the interaction. In interviews it is assumed that there is a questioner and one or more interviewees. The purpose of the interview is to probe the ideas of the interviewees about the phenomenon of interest. (William M.K. Trochim) So I took in-depth interviews on written notes. I interviewed with upper management to lower employee. I shared survey questionnaire papers to all the employees of the company, so that I can find out the reason behind that big loss of the company. I asked different questions with the workers like are they satisfy with the strategic planning of the company. I asked about the behavior of the superior staff. Quantitative Method: The range of mathematical and statistical techniques used to analyses data. In order to test empirical theories and hypotheses, political scientists draw on a wide range of sources, including primarily qualitative data such as documents, unstructured interviews, and participant observation, and primarily quantitative data such as those derived from sample surveys or aggregate statistics such as election results, census materials, or cross-national statistical series. (Article from: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, Article date: January 1, 2003, Author: Iian Mclean and Alistair McMillan). So I collected data from past years and current years and saw all the expenses and the income of all past and current years. After the calculation of all the research that I have done, the projects aims, scope and objectives are very high that can be achievable with the a good strategic implementation. A perfect strategy can easily build up the structure of the building. If we talk about the company, its base is quite solid but its structure is not relatively rock-solid as it shows from outside. It can be shattered at anytime just because of its poor management and my research is based on its poor management, old technique of work and broke system and suppressing. There is no training center for new employees. The salary paying system is very unsystematic. LO2: Conduct research, using sources, and synthesise data and options Collecting Data and Options: There are some data and information that I have collected which will support the aim of the subject. This data and information is based on my research about the aims of the project. Getting the reason of cause I used both the methods quantitative and qualitative. In quantitative method we can collect secondary data by its customers through its service history system or by companys annual report or by its past profit and loss statement. I collected the profit and loss statement data of the company of past ten years which I showed in my investigations. There are some data and information that I have collected which will support the aim of the subject. Chart: The chart is about Satellite Cable Linkers profit and loss statement of past ten years: This chart shows the profit, expenses and loss of Satellite Cable Linkers from year 2000 to 2010. In this chart it clearly shows that in past year the profit was at its peak but after year by year it declined slowly and in current year it got loss. Expenses from 2000 to 2002 are very rare but from 2002 to 2010 it increases gradually which cause of loss in this current year. In conclusion, the expenses will overcome on profit in future and loss will be more. On the other hand through qualitative method we can collect primary data by question airing, by doing survey or by taking interview of the management staff and the lower employees. I did interviews to different members So in research of this organization I got questionnaire survey of all the employees of the company. Survey Questionnaire of Company Q1: How do you feel secure in company? Ans: Q2: How do you see progressive in company? Ans: Q3: What do you see management in between the senior and juniors? Ans: Q4: Are you happy with your scale in Company? Ans: Q5: What does u say about staff behavior with other employee? Ans: Q6: Are u satisfied with the current strategy of company? Ans: Q7: Is there any cold war between the upper and lower class? Ans: Q8: Give any recommendation about company Ans: After getting all the survey questionnaire result, I was totally shocked to see most of the employee having totally different answers. Everyone is having different opinion and dissimilar answers. So then I came to know there is something wrong in the management which cause of a big loss. No matter what business you are doing, effects of poor management will always be devastating to your business. (Arjun Wadhva) LO3: Draw conclusions and make recommendations that achieve the project aim Conclusion: My all research analysis make a conclusion that the management and new technology can make a key role in achieving the company aims, new technology can change the idea of every person when they adopt it. The Phillips (1999) suggests that generational change is inevitable and continuous. On the other hand management is the back bone of an organization. And without management a company cant manage any plan or strategy, so educated and intellectual staff must be essential for the development and the progress of a company, because intelligent and hard working team are the individuals who can support a company in achieving its goals. Smith (1990, quoted in Gibbs 1998, p.78) in his book Analyzing patterns of work gives an excellent prà ©cis of leadership styles. Recommendations: A traditional hierarchical structure clearly defines each employees role within the organisation and defines the nature of their relationship with other employees. Hierarchical organisations are often tall with narrow spans of control, which gets wider as we move down the structure. They are often centralised with the most important decisions being taken by senior management. In the twentieth century as organisations grow bigger, hierarchical organisations were popular because they could ensure command and control of the organisation. However with the advent of globalisation and widespread use of technology, in the 1990s tall hierarchical organisations began to downsize and reduce their workforce. Technology was able to carry out many of the function previously carried out by humans. ( Diagram: Hierarchical organization I have studied and examined so many hierarchical organizations like Vodafone UK, Sainsbury and Argos and they got progress by using hierarchical structure. So firstly recommend this structure that can take out a company from dark sight. It clearly defined promotion path. There will be specialists managers and the hierarchical environment can encourage the effective use of specialist managers. Employees will be very loyal to their department within the organisation. I recommend little action that can pick up the company to the high level and can increase the profit. In future, Action like training centers or workshops will help out in achieving the company aims, because skilled workers will be very useful company. There will be no waste of time for a company because it can get its qualified workers from training center. I recommend that the company can use media for advertisement. Now in this world, advertising is the best way that can attract the people. Now company can advertise its elf in future. There are so many ways that company can catch the attention of consumers by increasing the number of TV channels or by providing them clear result on TV. It can provide CD channels on which customers can watch any film whatever they want. It can achieve its aim in future by having customer services part in each branch of the area. These types of services can attract the customers so it increases the income and with that Income Company can achieve its aim. There are so many other options or alternatives that can also support the aims. Its aims are to beat and clean out their rivals and want to spread out of its city, so for that before giving anyone its branch first they have to see that other party is eligible for taking this responsibility. Because in future if that branch does something immoral then the company goodwill will be affected. There is no recruitment system for new employee and there is no training center where a new employee can learn the skill about its job. For achieving the aims there must be a training center so that there is no waste of time. And it will be very easy for recruiting skillful employee to new branches they these new branches will not take time to run their business. Another option that can support the company aims is new technology. New technology like using satellite links that attaches with TV of every customer. With the use of that technology there will be less complains by customers. There will be no waste of time and also there will be no waste of money. Money spends on cables roles that will save and use in different developing sectors of the company. The breakage of wires will be overcome with the use of new technology. After collecting all my data, I determine an option that will definitely support the project aims which is use of new technology. Because in future there will be very rare use of wires. Everything is going to be wireless. The mess of wiring system all over the streets and roads of the city will be ended. With this wireless system, there will be less need of employees for customer services because there will be very a lesser amount of complains. LO4: Review the results of the investigative project Results of the investigative project The result of the investigation project is that I come on a point that poor management is the loss portion of the company. My investigation shows that company got loss due to poor management. The way management implicates on the strategy is really bad. I have investigated that there is a big gap between upper and lower employees. By meanà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ there is a lack of communication between two classes. And the main criteria are the management which is uneducated and untrained, so that why the management is quite poor in following organization strategies. Because of poor management, the lower employees dont have the ability to deal with the costumer and because of this there became a gap between the departments of HR and Sale department. There isnt any workshop in this company where a new employee can train himself. Company wastes a lot of time because it doesnt have any work shop or a training center where a new employee can easily get the skills or experience. New employees waste one or two months in company for getting some skills. It was a bigger drawback. Second important thing that I find out through my investigation is that there isnt any time table in this company. Employees are coming to their jobs on different time. They always come late and no one there who can watch them because all the management staff also comes late. There are awarding bodies that cannot manage all the employees and the management staff. There is no check and balance system. Through my investigation I showed that there are very low quality instruments provided by the company to employees. Some instruments are very old and its very difficult for employees to uses old instruments for connecting cables. Sometime receivers cards and decoder are expire after their duration and get a lot of time to buy a new decoders or renew the expired receivers cards. Sometime management forgets to order for new cable roles and dishes which also waste a lot of time to provide channels to its customers. Many times I have seen that customer does not satisfy with it, they want mor e from this company because of its goodwill. There are so many rivals who are coming to this field and they are attracting the customers toward themselves. Because of this current profit of the company is less than its past profits and it will get loss in its future years. To improve its gross profit we need a strategic plan that has strategic implication on it. That can help in improving the management. Impact of investigation project: Environmental impact assessment is, in its simplest form, a planning tool that is now generally regarded as an integral component of sound decision making As a planning tool it has both an information gathering and decision making component which provides the decision maker with an objective basis for granting or denying approval for a proposed development.( Justice La Forest, Friends of the Oldman v. Canada et al, 1991) Management pays a vital role to build a structure of an organization and to achieve the objective and goals with the accurate performance. My investigation shows that if any company does not improve management collapse then which result company business come to an end. Otherwise the impact of my investigation shows that company is on wrong direction which really needs to focus to prevent the future losses. So through my investigation, company can see it mistakes that they have done in past year. Throughout my investigation, company can easily overcome its entire past blunder. It can see the errors that it had made in past like expenses are more than its income
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Affirmative Action is Discrimination in a New Form Essay -- Argumentat
Affirmative Action - Discrimination in a New Form à The roots of affirmative action can be traced back to the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act where legislation redefined public and private behavior. The act states that to discriminate in private is legal, but anything regarding business or public discrimination is illegal ("Affirmative" 13). There are two instances when opposing affirmative action might seem the wrong thing to do. Even these two cases don't justify the use of affirmative action. First is the nobility of the cause to help others. Second, affirmative action was a great starter for equality in the work place. The most prominant variable in deciding affirmative action as right or wrong, is whether or not society is going to treat people as groups or individuals. Affirmative action is a question of morals. The simplicity to form two morals that are both correct but conflicting is the reason for the division of our nation on affirmative action. à Affirmative action is very noble when looking at who benefits from the outcome. Take a closer look at affirmative action. The people that are involved and the damage it takes on our society surfaces many doubts. Taking a closer look also stirs up a question of nobility that needs to be answered before making a decision on affirmative action. Does affirmative action simply change who is discriminated against and makes it legal for the new discriminators? à Coming from my point of view, the view of a white male, this is a serious question. One example of this came to my attention from Dave Shiflett who once worked at Rocky Mountain News wrote "Rocky Mountain Hire". In this article he tells about a new hiring strategy used at the Denver news paper Rock... ...countered. The gap between mean SAT scores for black and whites is 938 for whites and 740 for blacks(Shipler 16) These test scores sometimes become the discrimination against minorities. Another form of evaluating students is where the Universities and government need to focus, to establish a standard in education that spans across all levels of income. Affirmative action is definitely not the answer for equality in this day in time. à Affirmative action has balanced for thirty years on a moral threat. It is now time to apply new moral threats, not towards the employers and colleges but towards the government. For it is the government that needs to change its polices. The government needs to take action towards the real problems of equality: poverty, not the bad white man from the past. Affirmative action is simply the same old discrimination in reverse.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Love at First Sight Essay
Some say that true love is based on physical appearance without a deeper understanding of a person does not exist. Others argue that one may be able to see true love immediately. Shakespeare puts a part of the play to this question. He makes reference to Romeo and Juliet as ââ¬Å"crossed loversâ⬠. In other words, the two lovers are manipulated by their future from the very beginning. Although not meant to be together, they may still love each other. Romeo first sees Juliet during her parentsââ¬â¢ banquet. Romeo is completely in love with looks and not personality. His first love, Rosaline, does not return the favor of his love. Romeo becomes entirely depressed and love sick. He still insists that Rosaline is his one true love, even though she does not love him back. Romeo is very stubborn. Romeo is struck by Cupidââ¬â¢s arrow, when by chance, he meets Juliet. Instantly, Romeo and Juliet are attracted to each other, by Romeoââ¬â¢s words, and by Julietââ¬â¢s looks. When Romeo first sees Juliet, he is completely astounded by her beauty. Without even knowing her name, Romeoââ¬â¢s eyes take complete control of his heart and mind, setting him in a helpless state of love. He questions whether he has loved before, and realizes that his previous loves have never been genuine. Romeo and Juliet did not take the time to get to know each other and form a deep intimate relationship. They rushed into their relationship. They were also very young to be experiencing love. Even people much older than them do not know what love means. It may have really been true love that was mutually felt by both of them though. Many people say that they have had experiences with true love but I do not think that true love exists in the real world, only in fairy tales and fiction stories. I do not think that you can fall in love until you are mature enough to understand what love really is. Many people fall in love to fast and end up being disappointed because of the way their future turns out. My opinion is, if you are going to spend your life with one person, make sure that the person is the only one you love.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Review Of The Great Warrior - 1414 Words
Exploration, Encounter Exchange; Review of Literature for Sparta Spartans and Athenians did not necessarily get along, therefore they fought a lot. Athens and Sparta were both greek city-states. Their power rivaled each other therefore causing some friction. Athenââ¬â¢s rise to power was through democracy and philosophy and the Spartanââ¬â¢s despised every bit of it. Only because they rose to power through war and fear. The Athenians believed that they were the descendants of Athena. The Spartanââ¬â¢s were believed to be descendants of the Dorians. The leadership in both places were majorly different for instance, the Spartanââ¬â¢s had ââ¬Ëtwo kingsâ⬠but they were actually the high ranking generals that were considered loyalty. The Athenians had theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦So every summer the Spartans march north and spend a month killing all the Athenian crops, while the farmers hid in fear in the city. The Athenian navy then has to bring in even more cash crops than is normally required. The second summer of this ki nd, that of 430, is made more painful for the Athenians because plague strikes the city and kills a third of the denizens. Thucydides catches it, but survives to write his great history of the war (Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War). Pericles, architect of the Athenian war strategy and defeats , is less lucky; he falls victim in the most crucial summer of the plague, 429. Yet Athens survives even this series of disasters, and by 425 Sparta seems the one cut out to lose- suffering a series of defeats close to where they stay in the Peloponnese, at the mercy of soldiers landing from Athenian war boats. It appears as though no one side can ever win this conflict.The war was won by Sparta in the end because of the militant power they had over the Athenians. As shown in the source The Peloponnesian War: A Military Study. In the book it states that the Spartans would create a battle formation known as the Phalanx which was ââ¬Å"Impenetrable as a brick wallâ⬠( Lazenby 41). Ther efore because of this organization and discipline they were able to win in the long run against the theoretically unprepared Athenians.
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